Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Add Custom aspx Page in Sharepoint 2010 How ?

Add Custom aspx Page in Sharepoint 2010

Adding aspx Page in SharePoint
2010 is much easier than what it was in SharePoint 2007.

You will start

by creating an empty project in VS 2010 and add an aspx page as a new entry. VS 2010, as you know will automatically create all necessary measures solution files package (files with the movie) to facilitate the deployment of our Aspx

You would be necessary to modify the ASPX page to add

Custom properties for the page can be viewed in the context of SharePoint (I

Mean SharePoint homepage and navigation on the left and ribbon and other things... not sure

However, if the tape is), and create a folder structure, i.e.

Template \ Designs \ for proper installation of our aspx.

to begin with

1. Open VS 2010 and create a empy Project

2. Create
a folder structure in your project as Template\Layouts\MyCustomFolder

Now, Right Click on the Project and add a New Item

3. Now, to add a new aspx page in our MyCustomFolder click on General tab on the 
left navigation of the window and choose Text File. Rename the Text file to 
MyCustomPage.aspx. Alternatively, you can click on Web and that will add aspx 

4. Since we have created an aspx page, the text file you must add all

Page markup tag. Tags should also SharePoint groups and Put some of the content owners need to ensure that the page is displayed in SharePoincontext, that is, like the other content pages and left amd topnaviagtion. 

:If you are using some code behind with your aspx page, then change the Inherit
tag in the aspx page to inherit
from the assembly of the project.

For e.g. change the tag

Inherits="NameSpace.Class, NameSpace, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2ef8d0c4bab8980b" Debug="true".

You dont
need to deploy .cs file with the Project. The code is accessed via its .dll

6. Now you are all set to deploy the Project so build the project and
Also, make sure the manifest file do contain an entry for your custom
page in its tag.

Test your new custom page in sharePoint by
using the below url
http://SP server/_layouts/Custompage.aspx.



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